Jemma Jio Receives National JACL Scholarship

The San Jose JACL was notified that Chapter student member, Jemma Jio, is the recipient of the Paul and Katherine Ohtaki Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $2,000. Congratulations, Jemma!

Jemma graduated in June from Prospect H.S. and is the daughter of Gary Jio and JoAnn Okabe Kubo. She is attending San Diego State University and is a psychology major.  From an early age, Jemma was seen helping at the annual scholarship luncheons. I recall a time when she was about five or six years old and she was helping sweep the floor with an over-sized broom as a part of the luncheon clean- up! She also helped at the annual Community Recognition Dinner, selling drawing tickets, setting up for the dinner and drawing the winning tickets for the various drawings.

Jemma’s father, Gary, is a past local scholarship recipient. In 1972, he received the William K. Yamamoto Scholarship and has given back to the Chapter by being photographer at various events and serving on the scholarship selection committee. The Chapter is grateful to both Gary and Jemma for their volunteerism. Domo Arigato Gozaimashita!